Rolando Cubero (Biography)
Rolando Cubero
Costa Rica, 1957
Solo Exhibitions
2002-Rolando Cubero "Homage to Eros", Historical Museum Dr. Rafael Angel Calderon Guardia, San José, Costa Rica.
1996 - Rolando Cubero. Recent work. Valanti Gallery, San José, Costa Rica.
- Rolando Cubero. Paintings and prints. (Guest Artist) IV International Festival of Culture, Sucre, Bolivia.
Group Exhibitions (Selection)
2005 - "Inside-Out" Costa Rican Art Museum. San Jose, Costa Rica.
2004 - Roland Cubero. Juan Manuel Hernandez and Mario Moya Art Gallery 99.
San Jose. Costa Rica.
2003 - Costa Rican artists. Inaugural exhibition. Art Gallery 99. San Jose, Costa Rica.
- Costa Rican Art Exhibition. Villegas-Inagaki Fine Arts. San Francisco, California. USA.
- Paints. Crisanto Badilla, Rolando Cubero, Jorge Manuel Vargas. Henry Gallery Echandi. National Theatre. San Jose, Costa Rica.
2001-National Awards 2000, Valanti Gallery, San José, Costa Rica
- "Erotic Art", School of Fine Arts, National University. Heredia, Costa Rica
2000 - "Images of Men", Central Bank Museum, San José, Costa Rica.
1999 - Central United by Art. Vila Nova Fine Art House the Americas. Madrid, Spain.
- "Images of Women." Central Bank Museums. San José, Costa Rica
1998 - CAUSE (Central United for His Art) Exhibition simultaneously. Galleries: Plastic Contemporary (Guatemala), Portal (Honduras), Codex, (Nicaragua), Valanti (Costa Rica).
-I National Painting Competition: "The Artist through objects" (Artist
guest). Costa Rican Center of Science and Culture, San José, Costa Rica.
1997 - "The Spirit of Latin American Art", Gallery Valanti, San José, Costa Rica
1996-VII Exhibition of Latin American Painting and Sculpture, Gallery Space, San
Salvador, El Salvador
Sample 1995-VI Latin American Painting and Sculpture, Gallery Space, San
Salvador, El Salvador
1994-spider 94, Sheraton Hotel, Bar Harbor, Miami, Fla. USA.
- "The Spirit of Latin American Art", Gallery Valanti, San José, Costa Rica
1993-Art Miami '93. Bernheim Gallery, (Panama). Space Gallery (El Salvador), Miami Beach Convention Center, Miami, Fla. USA.
- "Central Artists' Gallery Contemporary Plastic, Guatemala,
1992 - Art Miami '92. Bernheim Gallery, (Panama). Fenix Fine Arts (Miami). Miami
Beach Convention Center, Miami, Fla. USA.
- Five Latin American Masters. Americas Collection Gallery. Coral Gables, Miami, Fla. USA.
1991-Art Miami '91. Van Cleef Fine Arts. Miami Beach Convention Center. Miami, Fla. USA.
- "Nudes", Pancorbo, Tovar and Cubero. Van Cleef Fine Arts, Miami. Fla. USA.
1990-I Central American and Caribbean Artists, Cultural Center
Mexico, San José, Costa Rica
- "Women," Shakespeare Gallery, San José, Costa Rica.
1989-National Hall, Costa Rican Art Museum. San Jose, Costa Rica.
1988-Latin American Roots in Contemporary Art, United Nations, New York, USA.
"International Summer Salon II," Ancon 88 "Borka's Gallery. Lima, Peru
- "The New Painting of Costa Rica, 1988", National Museum, San José, Costa Rica.
1987-XII International Competition, Association of Art Critics and Commentators
(ACCA), Royal Tower, Miami Fla.USA.
- "The New Painting of Costa Rica in Venezuela," Mays Gallery León, Caracas,
- "Plastic Image of Costa Rica", Magna Gallery, Panama, Panama
It shows Permanent Collection, Museum of Contemporary Art Ralli, Punta del
Este, Uruguay.
1986 - "The New Painting of Costa Rica 1986", (Selected for the stage
international), National Museum, San José, Costa Rica.
- "Proposition 86" Jorge Debravo Area, San Jose, Costa Rica.
1985 - "The New Painting of Costa Rica, 1985", National Museum, San José, Costa Rica.
- "Today, Costa Rican Art, Museum of Contemporary Art, Panama.
1984 - "Great and Youth of Today", Sala Julián Marchena, Museo de Arte Costarricense,
San Jose, Costa Rica.
"Convergence Group, National Museum, San José, Costa Rica
- "The New Painting of Costa Rica, 1984", National Museum, San José, Costa Rica.
1983-Convergence Group, Galería Enrique Echandi, San José, Costa Rica.
1980 - Paintings Ministry of Finance. School of Visual Arts. University of Costa Rica. San Jose, Costa Rica.
- 10 Artists. National Museum of Costa Rica. San Jose. Costa Rica.
- Costa Rican Painters. Cuauhtemoc unit. (IMSS). Mexico. DF
1979 - Painters and Sculptors Herediano. Julian's Gallery Marchena.Museo Costa Rican Art. San Jose, Costa Rica.
1978 - National Painters and Sculptors. Interior Palacio de Heredia. Costa Rica.
-Seventh Annual Exhibition of Fine Arts. Costa Rican Art Museum. San José, Costa
1977 - II Bienal Centroamericana of Art. Central American Bank for Economic Integration. (BCIE). San Salvador, El Salvador.
Awards and Recognition
2000-National Arts Award 'Achilles J. Echeverria. " San José, Costa
1987-First Prize. Category: Modern Figurative Painting, "Emilio Estevez Trophy. XII International Competition. Association of Critics and Commentators Art (ACCA). Miami, Fla. USA
1980-Award "Paintings of Costa Rica", cut, Ministry of Finance, Art Museum
Costa Rica. San Jose, Costa Rica.
2004 - Cover for the book "Of Love and Desire" by Marvin Camacho. Graphics Publishing Consultants San Jose. Costa Rica.
2002 - Conference: Eroticism in Rolando Cubero painting. " School of Philosophy, University of Costa Rica.
- Invited as International Jury National Award for Painting of Panama. INAC. Panama.
2001 - Conference on his work. School of Visual Arts, University of Costa Rica.
1996-Cover for the CD "Dive" by Roger Lee, GB Productions, Costa
1995 - Illustrations for the book "The chosen light" of Milton Zárate, Editorial Costa Rica,
San Jose.
1990-Illustrations for the book "The End of Memory" by Milton Zárate. Editorial Costa Rica Prize for Poetry 1990. National Poetry Prize Achilles J. Echeverría 1991. Editorial Costa Rica. San Jose, Costa Rica.
1987-Illustrations for the book "The Butterflies of Costa Rica and Their Natural
History "by Philip J. DeVries. Princeton University Press, USA.
1980 - Assistant Prof.. July Escámez in the transfer and restoration of the murals, "Agriculture" to Francisco Amighetti and "Pieta ¨ Daell Luis Costa Rican Art Museum. San Jose, Costa Rica.
His works are in private collections in Costa Rica, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Guatemala, Panama, Mexico, Colombia, Venezuela, Uruguay, Bolivia, USA, Italy, Switzerland and Germany.
"In a strictly representational painting Cubero is obviously figurative, but thematically it is not. His painting technique is a quality in works of science fiction. The space is not "real", but presents an area of "painted" on the events occurring outside public areas. "
"Cubero has set especially in the female nude as its central plastic interest. For him, a naked body, naked or semi-naked body is not a rhetorical expression of a particular issue, nor is its illustration. And it certainly is an essential part of plastic and conceptual approach that the artist resolved through a sort of frozen atmosphere, and certain significant signs (the figure and its environment), which act as part of a "still life" . In this case, if we analyze the paint as a traditional still life, the atmosphere that prevails in it leads to an allegorical expression. The female figure, even if they are portraits or taken from live models, becomes allegory in the strict sense defined by the dictionary, ie a "fiction that presents an object to the spirit, so you wake up thinking other object. " I Here the secrecy of the Costa Rican artist paint this. "
Belgium Rodríguez
Former museum director OAS, Washington, DC
Former member of International Association of Art Critics
"Rolando Cubero is a provocative artist, transgressive, poet and lover of life, trying to provoke emotions in the viewer through a technique and a very specialized subject: the eroticism. Thus, Cubero presents his cult of life, love and human sexuality. Rolando and his speech are coupled to a common goal: to capture the weightless and fragile beauty of the human body. "
Luis Rafael Nunez, Director of the Calderón Guardia Museum
"Addressing the painting of Rolando Cubero is facing a mystery: how a work of such serene sensuality coated can simultaneously provoke such disruptive impact.
His masterful technical command, its classical rigor, his fascination with detail, the placidity of his stroke, lead us to a universe of evocative erotica, free from aggression, affect the great mythical and religious themes that underlie our vision of the world, and is to exalt them, either to transgress.
The naked body, absolute monarch of his work allows him, in his splendid imperfection, deifying the human and humanizing the divine.
The magnetism which generates a dazzling Laocoon comes precisely from the proposed shift of focal point: the suffering of the characters look lost prominence, is hidden even. Who robs the body, above the fray, in ambiguous languid, crowned by the blunt honesty and fruity masculine gender. The fig leaf, lucidly abolished, is the denial of a divorce between body and spirit.
Imbued with a subtle dreamlike quality, the disturbing reality of the boxes Cubero is invaded by its own representation. Table immersed within its boundaries blurred picture and naturally upsets the laws that govern our environment.
Disturbing, compelling, evocative, entrancing, powerful painting Rolando Cubero appeals and wins. Enamora. "
Ana Istarú, writer